Saturday, May 19, 2012

Muffin Run to the Summit

Woke up this morning to join Bedfordview Athletics on their annual *Muffin Run* - A 19km run from the VA parking lot in Bedfordview to the top peak at Jeppe boys overlooking JHB while sipping coffee and eating yummy muffins with your running mates.

To my dismay, having all my Ironman kit stolen from our house during a robbery two weeks ago, i no longer have running shoes except my heavy trail runners, and still have knee injury, this was not going to stop me attempting to join my team. The theme was bright colors and on the route i think we were the most colorful bunch with over 50 runners with most of gearing up for Comrades in 15 days time.

The route was exciting though liberating at the same time as my knees gave in at 6 and a half km's and Angie my awesome friend walked with me. The pain got worse as the hills approached and the stop at the Rusty Lady Deli and Bistro on Queens street was not the greatest idea, so i brisk walk was the next best this stage Rieta joined me in the walk and two other guys from the club who were also battling along the way. They say in Running, you make a lot of friends. I have to agree 100%.

At the 10km mark we caught up with the guys at the summit - top of Jeppe overlooking JHB, and what a sight...suddenly my mind was lifted from knee pain and my heart just filled up with how amazing and stunning this run was to the top and then to see a view like that with a cup of hot chocolate in one hand an a muffin in the other. Everyone was smiling from the inside, and its was such a moment in my life i have never experienced before...the pain was worth it all. I loved the run and look forward to more runs like this in future. I didnt get to finish the 9km run back, instead caught a lift back with new friends from BCC to head off to Midrand for more running doing my first level Hockey Coaching course. Always on the go...

 Hein, Gay, Willem and Rieta. My awesome friends and first friends from BCC Triathlon. Hein and Willem also competed in Ironman 2012. I believe Gay and Rieta are attempting their first Ironman's in 2013...
 Willem with his awesome funky hairstyle.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Gearing up to Ironman 2012 with little training and a drive to compete in this is my story. I only heard about IM for the first time a year ago when seeing the guys from my gym training for it, and then following race day online last year watching Chrissie and Raynard and i became inspired and decided then that i will be taking part at IM 2012. 

My training for IM was nothing compared to what i wanted to do. Most weekends i work, lots of knee trouble this year with running and only got my bike 6 months ago. I have clocked about 600km on my bike which 350km of this was at races from 94.7 cycle challenge, BSG triathlons, Buffelspoort ultra and Joburg Triathlon with my furthest distance being the 94.7 cycle race. And on the running side, i hardly run, due to knee trouble and the furthest distance i have ever run before IM was 15km last year at the Colgate race. Swimming on the other hand is where i put my hours in with spinning classes and gym. Most people tried to stop me from going as they were convinced i would not make it. I knew i could do the IM slogan stands... Anything is Possible!

Heading down to PE last week Wednesday it became real. Thursday morning we woke up to dolphins playing in the waves in Beachview where we stayed. It was a blessing most people said. Decided to cycle into PE on the official route and test it out before i join the guys on the first training swim at Hobie Beach. The cycle was amazing. Scenery was spectacular and the weather was fantastic. After a nice 40km cycle into PE, i got a flat tyre causing a wobble and a bail for me just at the BP station right after the IM bridge. Was so funny, and painful at the time. Could only be me, to bail two days before the big race and sprain my wrist and bruise my knee (the only knee i have as the other is messed when i run) :) With that said, i grabbed my bike and headed to the swim.

A little nervous as i have never swum (like proper open water swimming) in the ocean before, though i am a very strong and comfortable swimmer, i lined up with fellow IM athletes. The route was explained and off we went. I decided to not swim with my wetsuit. (i dislike the wetsuit - it messes up my stroke) I really enjoyed the swim. The sea was calm and not so warm but just right. :)

The Friday i decided to avoid cycling and just swim. Headed back to Hobie Beach, this time with my wetsuit. I decided to do a short swim, and not the full route. The water was once again stunning. Had breakfast on the beach which the next part was the highlight of my day. While having breakfast, a school of dolphins were passing in the bay, and with no hesitation, i ran to the the beach, cap, goggles and went in after them. I was a meter away, so close i could touch them. It was the best swim of my life.

Saturday came faster than the winds we experienced on Sunday - rushing around sorting out my bike and making sure i have all my kit and in the right bags. At this stage my jaw was sore from being clenched with stress. There is no turning back now. Cant tell you what was going through my mind.

Headed to Hobie Beach to get transition sorted out. Felt like a pro among the other athletes. They looked as nervous as i was. A year later of saying, i want to take part in Im and here i am...was unreal. There were talks of the race turning into a Duathlon due to the weather conditions. Just my luck if they did with swimming being my strongest discipline. As race day approached the next morning, the announcement was that the swim will not be canceled. Most fantastic news ever.

Early morning Sunday, we headed to IM at 3am to get there early enough before traffic arrives. The wind was blowing insanely and it rained. Was so cold, i was looking forward to swimming, as i think the water was warmer than outside. With an hour to go, my mother urged me to wear my wetsuit and off i went to the start line right in front waiting to start. Found myself nestled between the men. Somehow i felt very small and short. Saw the Pro athletes lining up in front of me. Front row - awesome. :)

As the canon went off to start the race, it was instant stampede for the ocean. Diving in was painful with the big guys swimming over me, grabbing my ankle pulling me backwards, and someone even gripped my timing chip. Was a brutal swim the first 1.9km, as the entire way you were swum over and pulled and people have no sense in direction as to where to I got cut off so many times. Second half was better, but the sea was more rough heading out on the long 800m stretch towards the harbour. Felt like a washing machine. But nothing compared to the first loop of being swum over. Didn't enjoy the swim at all. My time was 1;21;09 which is 21min slower than i am capable of swimming.

The cycle was interesting - as i jumped on my bike and headed out, i was welcomed with gale force winds of 80kmph+ blowing me sideways and with my level of cycling and always bailing i decided to go slow and not get blown over. Was so scary! The long uphill which is honestly not tough, but tough going against the wind was where i lost all my time. I'm fit for the distance, but not strong enough. I didn't want to push it as i still have medical concerns and a hernia which can play up at any time. The second loop was painful (never eat a potato on the cycle) Gees i thought my stomach was going to explode with pain. Was so close to calling it a day and ending my dream there, but heading towards the last 60km loop, my system sorted itself out. The winds didn't die became worse as the day went on and so did the weather. My bike lifted a few times heading towards the sea side, then something remarkable occurred and that was my significant moment that kept me going- Heading towards the university i saw a rainbow over Hobie Beach...this lifted my spirit and i had tears. I have never cycled 180km before in my life. Years ago doctors said i would never do sport competitively again...but here i am - taking on Ironman. 8hours thirty with 19min to bike cut off i headed out for the run. This was where my race really started with knee trouble and the distance.

Heading out onto the course on the run, i knew i was somewhat amongst the last bunch. Everyone had one or two arm bands already. Felt so slow, but was amazed how great i felt for the run. I didn't think i would have been able to run after that cycle, but my first 14km went well (not fast, but well) Heading back to start my second loop, my dad said i wasn't going to make it and its okay if i stop. Suddenly i had all doubts in my mind and didn't know what to do. I carried on to the turning point where i was running with a few others who also were on their first /second loop, and thought to myself i should keep going. At 18km, i passed my dad again an said, I'm going for it, make it or not, i have never run past 15km before and I'm currently sitting on 18km into the race. With a huge smile he said...go for it! I ran up to 22km comfortably. Couldn't go faster as my knees were starting to pain. Cant afford to have them give in on me completely. I met a guy Theo, who i speed walked with the rest of the way and as much as everyone encouraged me, i wanted to encouraging everyone we passed and passed us to keep going. I tried to run, but my knees wouldn't let speed walking was my only option. On my last loop, the weather took a nasty turn. It was raining, so windy, and we were all freezing out there. I was cold since 6am in the morning. There was no stage in the race i was warm. But i met so many inspirational people on the run, an that was the best distraction. Some people had tears they weren't going to make it. I kept encouraging them that with no doubt they would even though in my own mind i was convinced i was going to miss the cut off.

I don't know how i made the walk the last 19km with blisters and wet shoes in the cold, but coming in towards the finish line i couldn't stop smiling. I wanted to hear those words all day long after what everyone had been through...and then i did - CYNDI- YOU ARE AN IRONMAN. No one thought i would make it...but i did! I proved everyone wrong...even myself. Take those doubts and chuck them...Anything is possible if you believe you can.

A big thanks to everyone who supported me. My friends who stood by my side no mater what. My family with putting up with me and being there for me through it all. My team mates at BCC and everyone on the course who kept me going.You guys are awesome and i love you all.

An even bigger thanks to the Ironman Team for their hard work and for a fantastic race compares to Ironman.

Also to all the supporters who stayed in the wind and rain from early morning till midnight. You guys pushed us to believing we can do it.

And here's to the Legends of the bay...Every athlete who made it, or didn't make are all heroes for taking on this awesome race.

I will definitely be back next year with much more training behind me - like my friends say - I'm not crawling over the finish time i shouldn't take it so easy. :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012


 Out training at Homestead dam on Saturday mornings...and lovely Angie has Coffee and yummies for us afterwards. Thanks a mill Angie. :) Best of Luck to my team mates.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gearing up for Ironman

With a little less than 2 months to getting more excited each day. In all honesty my training has not been the best in the last month with work and being sick from dirty dam water in two events, but it wont hold me back at entered, accommodation booked, support team arranged and now counting down the days. 

In the last month i have taken myself shopping for Shimano cycling shoes, Adidas road running shoes. Tomorrow im off to the Hillcrest Swim Shop to buy a new TYR (hopefully) swim suit to race in and then last item on the list for now is that full piece wetsuit...then ill be all kitted out and ready for race day.

Over the last two weekends i raced in Germiston 1200 (my time was slower than usual) but i can blame that on rock climbing the day before and late night after celebrating two birthdays :) The weekend that just passed i took part in my first Olympic distance Triathlon at the Joburg Triathlon also at Germiston lake...where i sadly have to say i got sick in both events from dirty water and still recovering. During my race i experienced trouble with my bike, could not get speed as my chain kept slipping and i didnt have a spare, and on my run i threw up a few times, but alas, i finished the race and mostly enjoyed every bit of it.

Upcoming races will test my fitness for the next few months. Im registered with Cycling SA, Triathlon SA and Athletics SA - racing under Bedfordview Country Club. 

Upcoming Races:
  • Irene Lantern Night Race 10km - 8th February 
  • Makulu 1km Open Water Swim - 19th February 
  • Deloitte 21km Road Race 25th February 
  • Bronkhorstspruit Ultra Half Ironman Tri 11th March 
  • Sasol Cross Triathlon 18th March
  • Impi Challeneg 31st Mach 
  • Ironman 2012 
  • Comrades 2012  
View the Link below

How can you not want to take part in such an event!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

BSG Energade Series #1 Roodeplaat Dam Pretoria

The morning of the race on Sunday just passed, after a long night of little sleep with heavy storms outside, we headed to the race. Weather looking rather miserable with cloud cover, we arrived at the event where like minded crazy people were up and also gearing up to race no matter the weather condition. Queuing to get my race chip and goody bag, I realized this was not a small event. Apparently sold out. So my first instinct was get in front for the swim and all will be okay.
Heading to transition with my bike and helmet, I had to remove my tri bars as they don’t have safety grips yet, then sending Aiden to the car to get tools to remove it with less than 20 minutes till briefing, we managed to make it in time and get in transition and set up. While heading for the water I was greeted by my fellow athlete Mnandi Weber (winner of her age group) and then it all sank in…its time to race.

Getting into the water was a bit of a mission as it was cold and green and slimy, but one minute to go, so lets get to the front and get going. I couldn’t hear much of what the announcer had to say and next thing off goes the gun away we are…Trying to break a gap to get into the lead, I found myself heading for the wrong boi now having to swim towards the wind to catch up and make up for lost time… Not impressed, however I was 6th to exit the water after 10:51 which should be 9min…

Heading for transition, getting my bike and helmet and heading out to the track to mount our bikes and head out on the 20km route. The cycle part was my favorite part. My new bike – Nijma (Its Arabic for Star) was a dream to ride. Smooth ride, no hassles that I was stressed about, and about 5km into the cycle it started raining with lightening thunder and the harder it rained, the more I smiled…would be the day I decide to do my first road try…of course it had to rain. Out on the bike leg, I spent 44 minutes cycling, which was slow, as I can feel my body wants to go faster, but my legs are not yet strong enough. So training is in order and then we will take down some time.

Heading back to transition to dismount my bike and start off on the 5km run of which 2.5km was uphill with uneven ground and potholes and rain and rivers flowing down the road, the conditions were not that great, but bearable. I lost a lot of time on my run as I had a stitch that just wouldn’t go away and my feet were numb for some reason. So 36min is really slow for me.

All in all I finished the race in 1:31:52 which is now my bench mark for the next one. I am to shave off at least 15minutes on my triathlon time…This weekend I look forward to round #2 of the BSG Energade Triathlons. This time I am hoping for better weather, though I have to work the night before, so ill be tired before I even race. Either way, the race was well organized and a lot of fun. My first road triathlon in 13 years…about time I came out of retirement!

A big thanks goes out to my support team, Hawk and Aiden…and all my friends for all the crazy messages…

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gearing Up for Racing Season

Its almost summer time in South Africa however winter seems to just want to stay. I have not raced or trained much over the last few week - winter most definitely got the best of me. So since the AR race, its been pretty boring in the world of sport other than the odd Hockey game on the weekends - where i must add, i have been scoring some goals and and running fast with the occasional sprint on the field.

Besides that, i am a week away from a 10km run i have entered "Spar Ladies 10km Run"...I would like to race it, however i doubt i would survive with the little training i have behind for the race, i am just going to run and giving it my best shot. The time i finish in, will be my bench mark for the can only improve from there...

September is right around the corner - as well as the Joburg City Triathlon on the 25th of September - thinking of entering the race as my first step into the Triathlon Season, but need to get my road bike ready for then. By saying that, i am currently restoring an old road bike as a customized bike with special colors with meaning and will add ribbon stickers which all have meaning to them. My bike will be my drive to compete and become better for the reason that i can! The inspiration came from a recent loss of a friend as well as the loss of many friends in the last two years...some to Car accidents, others to heart attacks at the age of 28 and my dear old friend who was taken by storm from the undesirable disease with no cure...cancer.

People know the Pink Ribbon and the Red Ribbon meanings, but there is more than just those...Go research up the meanings of different color ribbons. Now i want my bike to have all the ribbon colors on as i figured i do multi-sport...and somehow want to do sport for all the different types of charities...but i have no idea how i will work around that...especially in South Africa where Triathlon is not really a top sport and sponsorships for this sport is almost impossible to receive. So the idea of ever becoming a full time athlete in South Africa if you don't make the public absolutely out of the question. But that doesn't mean i cant keep trying!

So next week i start training with a pro triathlete...Looking forward to getting tips and technique correction before October when the BSG Triathlon Series starts...Something to look forward to.

In the mean time i need to up my running distance from 10km next Saturday to 21km on the 18th of September at the City to City race with the all big one of 42km on the 6 November at the Sowetan Marathon and then not far from that date, the 94.7 Cycle Challenge ...ah...i can feel the fitness calling me. 

But for now this weekend is about getting my butt back into the saddle of things with some Mountain biking adventures and Kayaking exploring while attempting to relax a bit before Monday morning when i head back into my training sets of 2 sets per day 7 days a week. So bring on the summer and bring on the Multi-sport Season.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Kinetic Adventure Race 26th June 2011

Sorry for not updating in a while, been working most weekends or either been sick and have not raced.Although racing season is gaining upon me so fast, i need to get back into the shape of things.

On Sunday the 26th June 2011, I participated in my first Kinetic Adventure Race ever with my team called Team LAVA. Team Lava entered two teams – a pair and original team of three. Not ready to race considering that I was sick and probably should not have raced, I headed to Glenburn Lodge in Muldersdrift to join my other 4 team members (Larry *Team Leader*, Vaughn, Grant, and Samantha). Because it was Grant, Myself and Sam’s first Adventure Race, we agreed to take it easy and enjoy the race and work on navigating together as a team of 5 instead of two teams, however once the race had started, the idea blew straight out of everyone’s minds. Larry is an avid competitor and will push you to race harder as personally I think he is a machine!

The race started with running around Glenburn Lodge to different Orientation Points and watching teams scattered everywhere, the excitement started fading when I noticed all the steep uphill’s or Slight Inclines as my friends would say…and being sick does not help at all. However we finished the track in no time and next headed out on our mountain bikes to tackle the 15km of cycling to different Check Points that were marked on our Google Maps that were handed to us at the start. The MTB section of the race was my downfall – hill after hill after hill…and I slowed my team down a lot, and at that point realized I should not have raced. My team would have been finished way ahead if it weren’t for me battling up the hills with breathing. And to top that, on the last 5km stretch, I pulled my calf muscle, delaying more time to stop and stretch it out. Luckily I didn’t pull it properly and managed to stretch it out and carry on racing. Parts of the track we literally could not cycle as the track was more of a single track/foot path along the side of the mountain, with loose rocks everywhere and cliff on your right side, however I quite enjoyed the view from that part of the race and realized why I do the things I do even when I am sick!

Heading back from the cycle and scanning in our barcodes, we headed out again for a trail run to tackle the 3rd leg of the race where we ended up running up a single track alongside the mountain. Going up was easy, but coming down, my left knee decided it had had enough for the day. At this point our team split from 5 members to Vaughn and I pulling back to take it easy down the mountain to avoid further injury. Just minutes behind our other team members, we headed back to transition where we tackled the kayak part of the race.  I thought id dive in the river to cool off, but after feeling the water temperature, I thought it was a rather insane idea. Then the last stretch was an obstacle course which I stressed about with my right calf muscle heading for a serious pull, and my left knee as the point where I can no longer bend it, the adrenalin and thought of the finish line was pumping through my veins and I was over the obstacle course, faster than spider man. Finishing the race was the best part of the entire race as it was the first time I could stop and take a deep breath!!

The race was well organized with perfect OP and CP placing, and an absolute breathtaking venue. The staff were friendly and the crowd is just amazing…even though people mocked me hopping along…there is always a next time J So despite me being sick and my two injuries along the way, my team did sensationally well and I would do it again in a heart beat…So Cyndi, you have yourself an Adventure Racer tan, a pulled calf muscle, water on the knee, lost over 2000 calories, multiple cuts and bruises – but you are now an Endurance Racer!!!

Now that I know what the race holds out and what is expected of a racer, I have to say – watch out…Im coming to take my spot on Podium sometime in the near future!!

For now, im hopping along allowing my body to recover…will upload photos the minute I get them. Closing of to say well done to Team Lava and all the other Racing Teams, and to the Organizers for a spectacular event!!